We studied the process by which our Sun’s free energy powers blog posts via a transformation of nuclear binding energy to electromagnetic radiation to heat. The photons power the fixing of carbon in CO2 and hydrogen in H2O into C-C/C-H rich organic molecules in plants, which we digest and break back down via a “slow” stepwise combustion in our cell’s cytosols and mitochondria, which “charges” some (ATP) molecular springs, which provide the “umph” that fires the neurons and moves the fingers. Also, any excess energy is stockpiled by the body as fat, so we need to intake less of it or “waste” some of it away on movement to discharge our primary battery and breathe out our weight.
Andrej Karpathy,
“Biohacking Lite”
And did you know that when we lose weight, we lose 84% of it via our breath?
The carbon in that carbon dioxide you just breathed out may have just seconds ago been part of a triglyceride molecule in your fat. It’s highly amusing to think that every single time you breathe out (in a fasted state) you are literally breathing out your fat carbon by carbon.